Subscribers Area

The place where you can manage your subscriptions


Paying your subscription

Log in with your subscriber code and your country, then check your subscription. If you see the button “Renew” it means that your subscription can be renewed. If you click on “Renew” you can see the renewal offer and you can pay online by credit card.

When the purchase is completed, you will receive an email confirming your online transaction.

You can also renew your subscription by bank wire transfer Editoriale Domus SpA, c/o Unicredit SpA, Filiale Milano Metropolitana - Via Marco D'Aviano, 5 20131 Milano (MI) IBAN IT77X0200805364000104272924 SWIFT UNCRITMMORR. Provide subscriber code, subscriber name and name of publication.

The status of your subscription will be updated in 36-48 hours after the payment is received.


The Subscriber Area is a service offered in collaboration with Stripe. During the purchase process, addresses belonging to website may appear. All communications between the browser of the Customer and the servers are encrypted using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. The encryption renders all the data (in particular credit card numbers) illegible during the purchase process, to guarantee secure, confidential transactions. On completion of the purchase the Customer will receive an e-mail, confirming his/her transaction.